Active Health Chiropractic

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Stephens City VA 22655


A Legacy of Healing

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A Legacy of Healing – Left to right: Dr. Jon (Hyrum, Utah) , Dr. Jason (Roswell, GA), Dr. James (Plainview, MN), Dr. Judd (Plainview, MN)


In the world of chiropractic care, few families are as known for their heritage and commitment as the Stucky family. Hailing from this distinguished lineage of chiropractors, Dr. Jon Stucky, a 100 Year Lifestyle provider in Hyrum, Utah, exemplifies a legacy of healing and holistic wellness that spans generations. Dr. Jon grew up in a family where spinal health and patient care were not just professions but a way of life. He has continued his family’s tradition of not only embodying the principles of chiropractic himself, but also passing the torch to his son. This dedication to chiropractic care and patient wellness has established the Stucky family as the primary care providers for generations of families in their communities.

Dr. Jon Stucky’s journey is a testament to the enduring power of family traditions and the profound impact they can have in both personal and professional realms. With a legacy built on trust, expertise, and a holistic approach to health, the Stucky family dynasty continues to thrive, setting a benchmark for chiropractic care that is both timeless and pioneering.

And to think, it all started with an ear infection.

The Story of Gyla

It was 1936, during the Great Depression, in Pine Island, Minnesota. Dr. Jon’s father, James, was a child and his sister, Gyla, who was 5 years old at the time, had been in and out of the Mayo Clinic for an ear infection with no success. Her grandfather was worried that she would lose her hearing. He and his wife had seen a chiropractor themselves and, noticing children in the office receiving care, suggested it for Gyla. Out of desperation, Leo took Gyla to see Dr. Ronald Villett, a chiropractor. As they approached the office, they could see a red neon sign in the doctor’s office that said, “Chiropractic gets sick people well.”

Dr. Villett diagnosed Gyla’s problem as stemming from misalignment in her neck, specifically the atlas vertebra, which was putting pressure on her spinal cord causing nerve interference. Despite initial doubts, Dr. Jon’s grandfather consented to care, and Dr. Villett performed a precise adjustment, resulting in Gyla falling asleep on the adjusting table and waking up 14 hours later significantly improved. A few more adjustments resolved her issue completely, demonstrating to the Stucky family the power of chiropractic care in facilitating the body’s natural healing abilities. With no pills, shots, or other interventions, her body was able to heal itself!

A Chiropractic Family

This experience marked the beginning of the Stucky family’s reliance on chiropractic care for their health, emphasizing preventive adjustments and holistic well-being. They found that chiropractic care not only addressed specific health concerns but also contributed to their overall vitality and fostered a culture of wellness within their family. They utilized medical doctors only for emergencies. Instead, the family’s good health was the result of a good diet, rest, exercise, a positive outlook, and maintaining a healthy spine and nervous system.

Out of Gyla’s siblings, four became chiropractors, including Jon’s father. As a child, Jon spent time at his father’s office, watching his father deliver the best health possible for his patients. He saw firsthand the chiropractic principles take root in their community through his father’s efforts. Jon always knew that he would also become a chiropractor. In the best possible way, he didn’t feel he had a choice. There was nothing that he could imagine that would give his life such meaning and fulfillment.

It was Jon’s Uncle William who first left Minnesota, opening his practice in Thomasville, Georgia. In 1974, the family was among the first supporters of the creation of Life Chiropractic College, now Life University. Dr. Jon enrolled in 1990 and graduated in December 1993.

Personal Connection

Dr. Jon is quick to talk about how grateful he is for his introduction to chiropractic care through his family’s experience and dedication. Having that personal connection to, understanding of, and belief in chiropractic care before your first day of education, is not as common for today’s students as he would like.

However, Dr. Jon believes that Life University leads the pack when it comes to emphasizing the philosophical side of healing through chiropractic care – proving the care and letting the body do its magic. In his own practice, he embraces The 100 Year Lifestyle whose values mirror his experience growing up in a chiropractic family. Dr. Jon knows firsthand that with proper education patients make better lifestyle choices and will choose the chiropractic lifestyle for themselves and the ones they love.

While not everyone in the Stucky family is a chiropractor, there are currently 22 established or soon to be graduated chiropractors in the family spanning three generations. However, all the family without exception has been raised in the chiropractic lifestyle. When the family gets together, you can be sure there are adjusting tables handy, as was the case at a recent family wedding!

Even cowboys love getting adjusted!

For the Love of the Sport

One area that is unique to Dr. Jon is his love of sports and specifically volunteering his time professionally to keep top athletes operating at peak performance levels. If you’re thinking about NFL or basketball team players, you’ll need to widen your perspective. Dr. Jon works with numerous athletes including professional rodeo riders, golfers, Motosports riders, surfers, cheerleaders, and action sport athletes.

Why does he do it? Two reasons. First, Dr. Jon has a personal history of service, including his volunteer work with chiropractic organizations on the state and national level. Second, he loves sports and loves using his skills as a chiropractor to help athletes – whether professionals or weekend warriors – achieve their highest level of performance. Offering athletes the opportunity to prevent injuries and perform better is important to him. In this age where athletes in just about every sport are having their careers disrupted or stopped altogether due to doping (the act of consuming artificial and often illegal substances to gain an advantage in competition) chiropractic is a welcome alternative to pharmaceuticals to not only stay in the game but perform better.

The athletes love the opportunity to receive chiropractic care and not only seek Dr. Jon out at events but drop into his office if they’re anywhere near the state of Utah. They know that continued care will lead to high performance as well as longevity in their sports career.

A Note to Parents

Parents should take note. Kids today begin participating in sports at age 6, about the time when their motor skills develop to the point where they can do two things at once, like run and throw a ball. Not only are organized sports starting young, they’re also lasting year round with kids moving from one sports season to another, often without a break. Even though they are having a good time and don’t appear to be injured, sports can take a toll on a developing body. Their knees, shoulders, wrists, and of course their spine and nervous system can all sustain unseen and unfelt injuries. These can not only lead to loss of enjoyment of the sport and burnout but can also delay growth and impact recovery and repair when a visible injury does occur.

As a chiropractor who works with all types of athletes of all ages, Dr. Jon suggests regular chiropractic wellness checks to parents who want their children to enjoy the wonderful world of sports for as long as they want while staying as healthy as possible.

Ready to Serve

After all these years, Dr. Jon will tell you that being a chiropractor is a great profession. He wakes up every day, ready to serve his patients and move the needle on people understanding that if you keep your spine and nervous system healthy, you can maintain your health for 100 years and beyond. As the whole family learned from his Aunt Gyla’s experience, one adjustment can change someone’s life.

If you’re in or near Hyrum, Utah, Dr. Jon Stucky and his team at Stucky Chiropractic are ready to serve you! In Georgia, Minnesota, or Wisconsin? There might be a Stucky family chiropractor near you! If you’re somewhere else, rest easy knowing that there are more Stucky family chiropractors getting ready to serve their communities soon and hopefully for a long time to come!

Stucky Chiropractic Mission

Our practice is dedicated to uplifting mankind by improving the Health, Human Potential, and Well-being of all people whom we serve. We dedicate our professional lives to treating the cause of disease rather than simply its expression – symptoms. Our pledge to you is Honesty, Integrity, and Excellence. We look upon you as unique individuals of infinite worth to those who love and need you. Though our care and concern for you, we will affirm that worth.

The post A Legacy of Healing appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.

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